04:39:24 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Lubrication connectors are included loose:
S04 for KUVE20-B
S05 for KUVE25-B to KUVE55-B
S16 for KUVE15-B
H | 60 mm | 中心點到頂部高度 |
B | 86 mm | 支架B寬度 |
L | 140.6 mm | 支架長度總長L |
C | 69,000 N | 基本動態載荷C 1 |
C0 | 141,000 N | 基本靜態載荷 C0 1 |
M0x | 3,610 Nm | 力矩額定值M0x |
M0y | 2,485 Nm | 力矩額定值M0y |
M0z | 2,485 Nm | 力矩額定值M0z |
≈m | 2.67 kg | 重量 |
A1 | 20.5 mm | |
JB | 60 mm | |
b | 45 mm | 導軌b寬度 |
A2 | 13 mm | |
L1 | 102.5 mm | |
LS | 2.2 mm | |
JL | 60 mm | |
H1 | 9.7 mm | |
H5 | 9.25 mm | |
T5 | 17 mm | |
G2 | M10 | Fixing screws above (DIN ISO 4762-12.9) |
G2 MA | 83 Nm | M G2中心向下擰緊力矩 2 |
A3 | 16.5 mm | 保持架潤滑接頭A3 |
G3 | M6 | Lubrication connector |
t G3 | 7 mm | 潤滑前額的最大擰緊深度 t G3 |
A4 | 16.5 mm | 保持架潤滑接頭A4 |
G4 | M6 | 潤滑側直徑 G4 |
t G4 | 7 mm | 潤滑側的最大擰緊深度 t G4 |
JL6 | 29.3 mm | 潤滑連接位置JL6 |
VMKB_065 | KWVE | 材料名稱 |
Calculation of basic load ratings in accordance with DIN ISO 14728-1.
Based on practical experience, it may be possible to increase the basic dynamic load rating. The basic load rating can only be transmitted fully if the whole thread length is used and the adjacent construction is dimensioned appropriately.
The stated torques represent maximum values for the secure transmission of forces in vibration-free, quasistatic applications (S0 = 1). We recommend that the tightening torques for the screw connection of the adjacent construction should be determined at the customer under the conditions specific to the application and operation, observing the information in VDI Guideline 2230 Part 1 (2015) and the information in this description.
尺寸碼 | 45 | |
版本 | B | |
保持架設計 | S | 窄支架 |